Land-based food, the environment and bioresources
The portfolio covers research and innovation on food, biological resources, biodiversity and the environment.
Overall plans
Portfolio plan
The portfolio plan describes investment objectives, planned activities and expected outcome and impact of the Research Council's total investment in the portfolio area.
Portfolio analysis
The portfolio analysis shall form a basis for portfolio plans, investment plans and reporting.
Investment plan
The investment plan shall provide an overview of the total calls for proposals and other activities planned with the use of the portfolio board's own funds.
The portfolio board
The Portfolio Board shall provide strategic advice on research and innovation within Land-based food, the environment and bioresources, and decide on the allocation of research funds to achieve the user goals and societal goals set for the portfolio.
The members are:
Anne Ingeborg Myhr, GenØk – Centre for Biosafety, Tromsø, Chair
Karen Johanne Baalsrud, Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Oslo
Aasmund Bunkholt, TreFokus, Oslo
Göran Ericsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Audun Korsæth, NIBIO, Viken
Marit Kjeldby, Norwegian Environment Agency, Oslo
Stig A. Larssæther, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
Katrine Røed Meberg, Norwegian Horticultural Growers’ Association, Oslo
Camilla Sandström, Umeå University, Sweden
Nina Glomsrud Saxrud, Office of the County Governor of Oslo and Viken, Drammen
Eirik Selmer-Olsen, TINE, Oslo